
Friends, not strangers!

I woke up this morning, writing  in my head the essay that I have to finish until the end of the month for '70 things to do after 70'.

And a sudden realisaton.

I had always been silent, closed and invisibly gray among strangers, but I exuberant, open, outspoken with family, pals and friends.

With Toastmasters, I felt immediately "in family"; in the theater telling my stories, I always found one or more friendly faces, and with the youths in the comedy clubs, I'm talking before I go on stage here and there. and have good contact, already before starting they become my pals. 

I'm never in front of strangers!

The love, warmth and friendship that I offer them, they they give back tenfolds.

Yes, it is good to walk alone at dawn along the seaside, it is safe to read, study or create stories in my bed, but what a hight to be before a loved audience, friendly and accepting me as I accept, them. What a joy !

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