
The power of a song and it's words: their simplicity touches all

The ceremony from Paris savage killing victims held at Invalids begun with this song.

Quand on n'a que l'amour/ A s'offrir en partage/ Au jour du grand voyage/ Qu'est notre grand amour

When we only have love As offer in share
On the day of the great journey That is our great love

When we only have love My love you and me
To burst in joy Every hour and every day

When you only have love To live our promises
Without any other wealth That believe it always

When we only have love To furnish with marvels
And cover with sun The ugliness of the suburbs

When we only have love As unique reason
As unique song And unique assistance

When we only have love To dress in the morning
Poors and small bandits With velvet coats

When we only have love To offer in prayer
For the sickness of the world As simple performer

When we only have love To offer at those
Whose unique fight Is to look for the day

When we only have love To trace a path
And force the destiny At every crossroad

When we only have love To speak to cannons
And only a song To convice the drummer.

Then without having a thing Beside the strenght to love
We'll have in our hands Friends from all the world.


Spark London Anniversary

While Spark London celebrates its 8e anniversary, this fall, I did celebrate my 6th anniversary of my first public storytelling telling a version of the same story, about how I arrived in London, at Hackney Moviehouse's 5th floor "Attick". Full of public, more then 60, wonderfully reacting diverse, great compelling stories.

Johanna Yates, producer with Dave and Matt faithfully still there and having each developed since their own flavour of Spark. Johanna, as usual made us rehearse and gave very valuable feedback and advice, our stories got stronger by it, as usual. She even remembered a detail from 6 years ago that I did not tell this time, having forgotten almost and not giving it importance. I have begun looking for room to share, but no one wanted an old woman with them, so I begin to look for cheep apartment to rent : of course I added it again.

Dave decided the order we come and told us himself the first story, and introduced us, one by one. He is always full of compassion and was a great MC.

Matt send us the sound recorded masterfully so I could see and hear if the audience's reaction to my telling : was it so wonderful as I felt? In my heart and their faces it was warmer.

Matt invited me to the special 8th anniversary of Spark London at the Exmouth Market's Theatre.
"Julie, you bond wonderfully with your audience" a producer wrote me. I think, I did.

This experience made me, and others, remember, how great is to perform with Spark London and how much it brings to each of us.


Top 10 Presentation Mistakes to Avoid: Mistake #35 Super Hero

Be yourself, be authentic, not superspeaker! shows us so well Darren LaCroix.
Ralph Smedley, said the same 100 years ago and we should listen: instead of exlaiming, exagerating (too much) speak as you do to your friends. Or, almost.

A friendly voice and gestures will take us far and into the audience hearts.